Section 1: Elected Officers
- The elected officers of this organization shall be: two Co-Chairs (of different genders, or at least one non-male), Membership Director, Political Director, Communications Director, Secretary, Treasurer, and Pass Liaison.
Section 2: Elected Officer Duties
- Co-Chairs
- Shall be chief executive officers of the organization.
- Shall be the official spokespeople of the organization.
- Preside over all General Membership and Steering Committee meetings.
- Shall appoint members to positions as needed for the general function of the organization, subject to approval of the Steering Committee, unless otherwise provided for in these bylaws.
- Shall be ex officio members of all committees.
- Shall facilitate collaboration with external organizations, stakeholders, and Democratic Party entities.
- Shall fulfill any additional duties necessary for the effective functioning and growth of the organization.
- One Co-Chair to co-sign PYD’s bank account and be a co-signer of all expenditures for the club.
- Assume the position of Co-Chairs of affiliated Political Action Committee(s) upon approval by the Steering Committee by majority vote; or appoint a Chair of affiliated Political Action Committee(s) upon approval by the Steering Committee by majority vote.
- May delegate meeting functions, such as facilitation, at their discretion.
- Membership Director
- Be responsible to the Co-Chairs.
- Assume duties of the Co-Chairs in their absences.
- Shall be responsible for the recruitment and retention of PD members.
- Shall serve as the primary point of contact for members, responding to inquiries and resolving issues.
- Shall collaborate with the Communications Chair to develop marketing and outreach strategies that target potential members.
- Shall oversee the development and maintenance of membership databases. Keep an accurate mailing list and phone directory of all members.
- Political Director
- Chair and appoint a Vice Chair of the Policy and Political Action Committee.
- Represent PYD on the matters of Policy.
- Serve as lead contact between local elected officials and PYD.
- Shall fulfill any additional duties as assigned by the Co-Chairs or the Steering Committee to ensure the smooth functioning of the organization.
- Communications Director
- Facilitate public relations via social media, press-releases, ad-hoc communication, website and other mediums.
- Develop marketing material that promotes the overall message and purpose of PYD to membership and the general public.
- Other duties as prescribed.
- Secretary
- Keep accurate minutes of all chapter meetings (General and Steering Committee).
- See to all correspondence of the chapter as directed by the Co-Chairs.
- Supervise all Elections and Votes of the PYD.
- Treasurer
- Shall be chief financial officer of the organization.
- Be responsible for coordinating all PYD fundraising activities.
- May appoint a Fundraising Director, subject to approval by the Steering Committee.
- Shall maintain all financial records of the organization.
- Shall propose an annual budget for the organization, to be approved by the Steering Committee.
- Shall provide regular financial updates to the Steering Committee.
- Shall fulfill any additional duties as assigned by the Co-Chairs or the Steering Committee to ensure the smooth functioning of the organization.
- Pass Liaison
- Shall assist in the coordination of PYD events, activities, and projects.
- No specific duties unless assigned by the Co-Chairs based on current PYD needs – has the same voting rights and general responsibilities as other Steering Committee members.
Section 3: Election of Officers
- All Steering Committee officers shall be elected annually during the last general membership meeting of the calendar year.
- The general membership shall be notified of the election meeting at least seven (7) days prior to the elections.
- The presiding officer overseeing elections may not be a candidate for any elected officer position.
- Candidates, in alphabetical order of their last names, may speak for up to three (3) minutes. Following the candidate speeches, the chair shall select up to three (3) questions from a random selection of members to ask the candidates. Each candidate shall have up to three (3) minutes to respond to the questions.
- The voting method for uncontested offices may be a show of hands or voice vote. Contested offices shall use a secret ballot. Candidates who receive a majority of votes shall be elected into office, ensuring a fair and representative outcome.
- The election shall be conducted by the Secretary. In the event that the Secretary is running for a position or is not present, any other Steering Committee member not running for a position shall be selected to conduct the votes.
Section 4: Term of Office
- Officers elected annually shall take office immediately following the adjournment of the general membership meeting at which they were elected.
- Vacancies shall be temporarily filled by a Co-Chair until an election can be held to fill the remainder of the previous officer’s term.
- If both offices of the Co-Chairs are vacant, the Membership Director shall fill the vacancy.
Section 5: Removal of Elected Officers
- An elected officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing at a general membership meeting for neglect of duties, failing to uphold the values of PYD, or for other misconduct.
- The officer in question and the general membership must be notified at least seven (7) days in advance of the general membership meeting where the removal vote will be held.
- Any member in good standing may charge an elected officer with a removal resolution signed by at least three (3) members. The resolution must include a statement of charges with evidence supporting the claims. The resolution must be approved by a 2/3rd majority of the Steering Committee at a meeting in order to proceed with a vote by the general membership. The officer charged with a removal resolution may not vote.
- At the next general membership meeting at which the removal vote is considered, the resolution initiator shall read the resolution aloud. The officer considered for removal shall have up to five (5) minutes to argue their case against removal, followed by a response of up to five (5) minutes by the initiator. There shall be a questioning period of up to twenty (20) minutes. The officer charged with a removal resolution may vote.
Section 6: Removal of Appointed Officers
- An appointed officer shall be removed from office by the Co-Chairs. Removal of an appointed officer may be overruled by a 2/3rds vote of the Steering Committee.
Section 7: Removal of Members
- Any member whose actions are judged to be prejudicial or detrimental to the organization by a majority of the Steering Committee may be expelled from membership by a two-thirds vote at any general meeting.