The Pass Young Democrats (PYD), nestled in the vibrant San Gorgonio Pass of Southern California, emerged in 2023 as a dynamic hub for young Democrats eager to make their voices heard. Our organization is fervently dedicated to supporting candidates who embody our ideals, advocating for issues crucial to the younger generation, and organizing events that cultivate community and unity. We are passionately committed to offering young individuals opportunities to explore leadership, engage more actively with the Democratic Party, and drive meaningful change.
With our progressive values of equity and inclusion steering our initiatives, we strive to champion candidates and causes that resonate with our members, empower young voices, and ensure our leadership reflects the diverse community of the San Gorgonio Pass.
Though newly founded, the Pass Young Democrats is poised to build a legacy of activism and community involvement. We are on a mission to mold future leaders and make a significant impact on the political and social fabric of our region, following in the footsteps of influential movements and organizations that have paved the way for progressive change.
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